Nottawa Township

Nottawa Seeking Board of Review Alternate

Nottawa Township is looking for a township resident to serve as an alternate on our Board of
Review. What is the Board of Review? It is a voting Board of 3 people with the township
supervisor serving as secretary. They hear appeals filed by township property owners regarding
assessed values, taxable values, and various exemptions as well as making corrections to the
assessments roll.


The alternate must be a township resident. They will fill in at meetings where a regular board
member will be absent. The Board of Review meets 5 times per year. Three dates are in March.
One is a short meeting, and the other two dates are 6 hour sessions. The dates in July and
December are short meetings and are only held if necessary. Like all BOR members, the
alternate will be required to attend a mandatory training every 2 years, which the township will
pay for.


If you, or someone you know would be interested, please send a letter of interest to Nottawa
Township Clerk, P.O. Box 189, Weidman, MI 48893 or email it to, no later than Friday, January 3, 2025.